Matching Gifts
Let Your Company's Matching Gift Program Double the Impact of Your Charitable Contribution!
Many employers sponsor Matching Gift Programs to encourage and support employee charitable contributions and as an added convenience, may offer payroll deductions directed to the beneficiary organization of your choosing. Some organizations also encourage employee community involvement by making monetary contributions to beneficiary organizations where the employee volunteers, monetizing your volunteer support hours!
Not sure if your company has a Matching Gift Program? Check with your company’s HR department to learn about the programs your employer offers and the steps required to participate. Also, you can check our List of Matching Funds Companies to see if your employer is listed as an organization known to have a Matching Gifts Program for employees.
Utilizing your employer’s Matching Gifts Program is an easy way to substantially increase the impact of your support of Wesley Prep at no additional cost to you!
Please direct any Matching Gift verifications, correspondence, or questions to Wesley Prep Director of Development, Joyce Limber at
Ask your employer TODAY if there is a Matching Gift Program available and